Globale Mittelhessen is a political documentary film festival that dates back to 2009. Each year, a series of documentaries from around the world are selected to draw attention to global crises, call for a challenge to the status quo, and raise awareness of the resistance and social struggles taking place around the world. This year, the Colombian-American documentary ‘The Fog of Peace’ will be screened in both Giessen and in Marburg. The screening will be followed by a discussion with CAPAZ Academic Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, the film’s director Joel Stängle, and the film’s producer Carolina Campos. The screening will take place on November 6 at 6 p.m. at the Kinocenter Gießen and on November 7 at 8.30 p.m. at the Capitol Marburg. Click here for details of the festival and the full programme.