ECV open session: “Musicians and social mobilisation in Colombia”


19 May 2021

La Escuela de Cursos Virtuales CAPAZ incluyó diez programas de corta duración gratuitos y virtuales.

The CAPAZ School of Online Courses free programme on music, violence and peace in Latin America  en América Latina will be holding an open session on “Musicians and social mobilisation in Colombia”.

The online discussions will be held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. and broadcast live on the CAPAZ YouTube channel.

Guests will include musicians Sebastián Rozo (EufoX) and Yawar Chicangana (Yanacona leader), as well as singer-songwriter Lucio Feuillet from Nariño.

The event is part of the academic agenda of the online course coordinated by Universidad del Rosario in association with the Institute of Latin American Studies (LAI) at Freie Universität Berlin.

The course has a web portal which describes the different thematic modules or musical “worlds” that have been developed.


To find out more:

(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)