Forensic Tech Colombia 2020


10 Nov 2020

The International Seminar Forensic Tech Colombia 2020: The transformative power of innovation, technology and forensic sciences for justice in societies in transition, will be held from November 24 to 26, 2020

In its second edition, this online forum will be developed with a view to providing a meeting of and conversation between a wide and diverse community of national and international experts on the role of forensic sciences, innovation and technology, fundamentally in guaranteeing the rights to truth, justice and reparation of the victims of conflicts or situations of generalised violence.

The meeting is co-organized by CAPAZ founders Universidad Externado de Colombia and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Check the programme and sign up for the talks you are interested in attending at: Limited capacity!

For information and contact:
Equipo Colombiano Interdisciplinario de Trabajo Forense y Asistencia Psicosocial – EQUITAS
Facebook: Equitas Colombia

Note: CAPAZ is not the organiser of this event, for more information, please contact the organisers directly.

(NW Text: Equitas. English: Tiziana Laudato)