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What is insile? Join the online discussion of the Truth Commission’s German support group and the Internodal Gender Group


15 Apr 2021

Evento del Nodo Alemania sobre insilio y exilio

The Truth Commission’s European support groups’ Internodal Gender Group and the Group in Germany (Nodo Alemania) will be holding an online discussion entitled: “Leaving without departing / Staying without being”.

The online event will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. (Colombia) and 6:00 p.m. (Germany).

Interested parties will be able to follow the Truth Commission’s support groups’ live broadcast on Facebook Live: @NodosComisionVerdadC

Special guests include: Maria del Rosario Vásquez S. and Laura Tejada Vásquez with Claudia Tribin as moderator.

The consequences of exile are numerous and sad; one of these is what we can call insile. In this context, it is not always easy to name as victims those who have remained in the country of origin and who are relegated to a second or third place without admitting any profound effects. Talking about insile is an opportunity to approach one of the invisible and silenced consequences of exile. What is it? Who does it affect? Why is it not mentioned? What can we do about it?

This space involves a conversation based on intimate experience and a personal history of memory building. The women gathered there will explore the impact of exile on individual, family and community life projects. It is a space designed for women who are part of the incessant exodus and for children subjected to separation, silence and multiple ruptures, as is the case in insile.

“(…) I have a fondness for your accent
a longing for your company
and an ailment of melancholy
for the absence of the air of your breath”.
Miguel Hernández


(NW: Nodo Alemania. English: Tiziana Laudato)

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