The interdisciplinary research center “Transformations of Political Violence” (TRACE) is the new venture of a group of universities and research centers in the state of Hessen, Germany, to study the consequences of political violence in an increasingly globalized world.
The center will involve researchers from CAPAZ partner institutions such as Thilo Marauhn and Stefan Peters from Justus-Liebig Universtiät Giessen, Anika Oettler from Marburg University and Jonas Wolff from Goethe University and the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt. The Technical University of Darmstadt completes the group of academic institutions in Hesen that are part of this new initiative.
TRACE is a center of excellence for research, teaching, and knowledge transfer funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF), whose conceptual basis is the combined perspective of disciplines including political science, sociology, history, law, social anthropology, social psychology, cultural and linguistic studies, and computer science. The center also includes a diversity of methodological approaches needed to understand and prevent political violence.
Interested in learning more about TRACE’s academic and research activities? You can follow TRACE on its web page or through its Twitter account.
For more information, please contact:
Tina Cramer, Knowledge Transfer Officer