El Espectador’s Colombia2020 – will launch a new online social debate series called: “Hablemos de verdad”. Grade 9, 10 and 11 students from schools in Bogota and Norte de Santander will take part in talks with Pastor Alape (ex-FARC), Oscar Montealegre (ex-AUC), and lawyer Bibiana Quintero, daughter of a military man involved in the armed conflict and a defender of reconciliation processes. “El Espectador describes the series as “A conversation to speak the truth about the conflict”.
CAPAZ Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters will host the online discussion: “Here, we will have the opportunity to see how interventions by the young can trigger debate and help to explain facts about a war that they did not experience directly, but that they question vis-à-vis actors who were involved”.
On this occasion, the debate will include students from the José Max León school in Bogotá, and the Francisco de Paula Santander school in Zulia, Norte de Santander. This is a pilot event, as it is the first time that “Hablemos de verdad” reaches this audience. CAPAZ and the Master’s Degree in Peace Building at Universidad Pedagógica are in charge of providing technical support.
The “Hablemos de verdad” events have served as forums for dialogue formed by sectors and actors in the context of the conflict and the peacebuilding in Colombia. They have enabled communities in different parts of Colombia to hear a variety of voices, to learn things they did not know, to see opposing and even enemy parties engage in dialogue, and to witness noble acts of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Read the full article published in Colombia2020 – El Espectador (in Spanish)
“Hablemos de verdad” reaches school children. By: Camilo Pardo. Published in El Espectador, on October 26, 2020. Accessed: 27.10.2020 at: [https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/verdad/hablemos-de-verdad-llega-a-estudiantes-de-colegios/]
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)