The German Association for Latin American Research (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung-ADLAF), of which CAPAZ is a member; the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the Ibero-American Institute, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are pleased to announce an invitation to the ADLAF Congress entitled: “Knowledge, Power and Digital Transformation in Latin America”, to be held from June 23 to July 2, 2021 and broadcast online.
Thematic axes
Knowledge management as a resource is one of today’s most explosive and hotly debated topics. As such, the academic programme of the ADLAF 2021 Congress focuses on three thematic areas to discuss these and other topics with specialists from Latin America and Germany: the first thematic area, “Knowledge, Media and Power”, deals with the processes of production, appropriation, translation and adaptation of knowledge. This includes the relationship between academic or global knowledge and traditional or indigenous knowledge, but also the connection between the valorisation or monopolisation of knowledge and social inequality. Another central question is the role of cultural institutions, such as museums, libraries and archives, in the production of knowledge. The second thematic axis, “Knowledge Dynamics”, examines how actors in society and politics deal with knowledge and the extent to which the digital transformation brings about changes in power, for example in terms of democratisation, labour, civil society’s scope for action, diversity and opinion control, security policy or the handling of big data. The third thematic area, “Knowledge Transfer”, examines the cultural and historical dimensions of knowledge production, dissemination and appropriation in Latin America. This includes literary, cinematic and artistic engagements with knowledge devices, as well as the politics of history and memory and the treatment of cultural heritage.
Visit us at the ADLAF web page to find out more about the panellists, the main topics and programme schedule. An important reminder about registration: you must CONFIRM your registration once you receive our email.
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(NW: Claudia Maya, from ADLAF press release. English: Tiziana Laudato)