From a research and academic standpoint, CAPAZ is taking part in an initiative called “Hablemos de verdad” (Let’s talk about truth in schools), in an attempt to consolidate the ethical and political training and citizenship skills of students in educational institutions with a view to building peace.
The project will be discussed on Radio Pedagógica, UPN’s digital radio station, on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (Colombia time), and will be repeated on Friday, November 20, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (Colombia time).
Listen to the discussion on Radio Pedagógica (in Spanish)
Special guests include Gloria Castrillón (El Espectador); Lizeth Marchena (Colegio José Max León); Isabella Viveros (LECO student); Johanna Huepa (LECO teacher), and Ginna Marcela Malver (student from the Francisco de Paula Santander school, in the municipality of Zulia, Norte de Santander).
“Hablemos de verdad” in schools is a pilot plan implemented by El Espectador in several schools around the country. Other participating entities include: El Espectador Colombia en Transición, the German Embassy in Colombia, the European Union, and Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN).
(NWText: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)