The Platform for Dialogue: “Memory and Inequality”, organised by the CALAS Centre in Guadalajara, Mexico, in association with CAPAZ, will be held online from June 9 to 11, 2021. Registration for the platform has already closed, but below is a list of the panels organised for each day:
June 1 – 9, 2021
Panel 1 – The thousand faces of memory, with the participation of Pilar Mendoza, from the Goethe University in Frankfurt, who is part of the CAPAZ-supported German support group to the Truth Commission.
Panel 2 – Memory and discursivity, will address issues such as identity, discursive memory, narratives and memory for children about the Argentinean dictatorship.
June 2 – 10, 2021
Panel 3. Truth and Memory in Colombia, will be joined by Gabriel Ruiz (Universidad de Medellín), a researcher linked to CAPAZ, and Juliana González Villamizar, CAPAZ Science Collaborator and PhD student at the JLU Giessen, to discuss topics such as institutional memory, intersectionality, social inequalities and the work of the Truth Commission in Colombia.
“Discussion Panel. Dealing with the past: the role of education”. Moderated by CAPAZ Director and Professor at JLU Giessen Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, the panel will include Thomas Krüger, President of the German Federal Centre for Political Education (bpb); Carlos Beristaín, Colombian Truth Commissioner; and Adelaida Trujillo, audio-visual anthropologist and director of the content production company Citurna Producciones.
June 3 – 11, 2021
Panel 4. From disregard to recognition. Disappearances, transitional justice, and inequality will be central themes of this panel moderated by the Argentinean researcher at JLU Giessen and CAPAZ associate, Rosario Figari Layús.
Panel 5. Memory from the margins. Privileged bystanders, racism and the press in Cuba and underprivileged spaces in Brazil will be the themes discussed on this panel, moderated by Jochen Kemner (CALAS/Universität Kassel).
Find out more on the CALAS Web Page
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)