The report to the Truth Commission: Voices of Mother Earth -ZAKU SEYNEKUN ZUN NOKWUZANAMU will be presented on Thursday, July 9, 2020, between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. The event will be coordinated by the research group belonging to the Intercultural School of Indigenous Diplomacy at Universidad del Rosario.
You can follow the event live here: UR Intercultural Facebook Live.
The event is supported by CAPAZ, which will be presented during the event, as a partner its joint organisation with Universidad del Rosario and the Truth Commission. Universidad del Rosario is a founding member of CAPAZ.
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The event will begin with the Harmonisation by the Mamo and Arhuaco women and an audio-visual presentation on the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Arhuaco women. The discussion on the research will focus on the presentation of the Intercultural School of Indigenous Diplomacy and selected findings from the research work, with final recommendations. Highlights include the presentation by the Arhuaco leader Alcira Izquierdo. There will be a closing speech by the Commissioners, as well as the President of the Commission, Father Francisco de Roux, followed by traditional songs and music performed by the Arhuaco women.
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)