A number of seminars on transitional justice will be held at the University’s Seccional Oriente. The sessions, entitled: “Aula Abierta Seccional Oriente: peace, pardon, memory, land”, will be coordinated by Francisco Cortés Rodas, Professor of the Institute of Philosophy at Universidad de Antioquia. The event is part of #ProyectoÁgora implemented by Universidad de Antioquia.
Join us on Fridays, from October 2 to November 13, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (Colombia time). The lectures and discussions will be led by researchers from Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad de Medellín, Universidad EAFIT and CAPAZ, represented by its Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters.
Access the live transmissions on the Universidad de Antioquia Institute of Philosophy Facebook Live page.
The sessions are as follows:
02.10. Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo (Instituto de Estudios Políticos, U. de A.)
09.10. Stefan Peters (Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ). Title of the lecture: “Memory and peacebuilding”
16.10. Felipe Piedrahíta (Instituto de Filosofía, U. de A.)
23.10. Gabriel Ignacio Gómez (Facultad de Derecho, U. de A.)
30.10. Mauricio Uribe López (Universidad EAFIT)
6.11. Francisco Cortés Rodas (Instituto de Filosofía, U. de A.)
13.11. Gabriel Ruiz Romero (Universidad de Medellín)
Download the full programme (.pdf, in Spanish)
Note: CAPAZ is not the organiser of this event, for more information, please contact the organisers directly.
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)