“From the six categories, 18 winners will be selected (first, second, and third place). The team of jurors in charge of choosing the children, teenagers, parents, and teachers with the best quarantine stories are Gloria Castrillón, editorial director of El Espectador’s Colombia2020; Óscar Sánchez, general coordinator of the National Programme of Education for Peace (Educapaz); CAPAZ Academic Director Stefan Peters; and the writer Álvaro Lozano.”
This is how El Espectador’s article from Colombia2020 describes the jury that will choose the group of children and teenagers that will be selected in the initiative promoted by La Red Nortesantandereana por una Escuela sin Violencia. The contest is entitled: “Stories Inspired by Quarantine”. The prizes consist of technological devices with which they will be able to continue classes in the virtual world. This is intended to reduce school dropout rates during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read the full article: “Rural education in the pandemic: donations of electronic equipment needed for the children of Norte de Santander” (in Spanish)
Written by Colombia2020. Rural education in the pandemic: donations of electronic equipment needed for children of Norte de Santander. Published on October 3, 2020. Colombia2020 El Espectador. Retrieved October 12, 2020 from: [https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/educacion-en-la-pandemia-buscan-donantes-de-equipos-electronicos-para-ninos-en-norte-de-santander/]
NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)