CAPAZ is launching a call for applications for research projects on peacebuilding in Colombia of which it will fund a maximum of seven (7) research projects with a grant of up to €5,000 (five thousand euros) each. The project should be implemented between July 2021 and June 2022 (note: given the current pandemic, the dates for project completion are open to possible changes so as to ensure that fieldwork conditions are met).
The call’s purpose:
To promote the generation, dissemination and exchange of academic knowledge by financing research projects on topics that contribute to peacebuilding in Colombia, and to support Colombian-German cooperation in particular, and international cooperation in general around these research projects.
Target groups:
- Peacebuilding practices
- Transitional justice and human rights
- Peace, conflicts and territorial reconfigurations
Download the Terms of Reference (.pdf, in Spanish) / Download the registration form (Anexo A) (.doc)
Closing date:
Applications submitted after this date will not be considered. The subject of the message must read as follows: Call for Research Projects 2021.
To find out more:
Concerns, requests for additional information, and applications sent to other CAPAZ institutional email addresses will not be considered, nor will applications received after the deadline.
(NW: CAPAZ, Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)