“Der zerbrochene Spiegel des Krieges: Der kolumbianische Bürgerkrieg im Werk von Jesús Abad Colorado”. Ein Artikel von Claudia Maya und Stefan Peters in Wissenschaft und Frieden (Ästhetik im Konflikt), 4, 2019.
Der zerbrochene Spiegel des Krieges. Der kolumbianische Bürgerkrieg im Werk von Jesús Abad Colorado
Nov 5, 2019 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
Agenda on social inequalities and peacebuilding in Universidad del Norte
Nov 1, 2019 | Events, news, Others
The seminar “Peacebuilding in an unequal country: challenges for Colombia three years after the Final Agreement” took place on October 23 and 24, 2019. The event was organised by CAPAZ and the Institute for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla.
“The Truth Commission: The voice of those who cannot speak”. Interview with Carlos Martín Beristain
Oct 23, 2019 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
CAPAZ would like to highlight Linda Helfsreich’s interview with Carlos Martín Beristain, a member of Colombia’s Truth Commission. The interview appears in issue 429 of “Das Lateinamerika- Magazin” (German magazine “Latin America”) published in early October 2019.
¡Hay votos! ¿Y ciudadanía?
Oct 11, 2019 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
We invite you to listen to these podcasts of the National Radio of Colombia (RTVC) about the risks that the Ombudsman’s early warning for the elections of October 27 represents for the electoral candidates.
“There is no possibility of being at peace with the other, if there is no respectful relationship with the environment around us”
On August 29, 2019, the CAPAZ Institute spoke with Isabel Cristina Zuleta, representative of Movimiento Ríos Vivos to better understand the current situation of the population affected by the Hidroituango megaproject.