Audes Jiménez González is the Territorial Coordinator of the Colombian Truth Commission for Atlántico, Norte de Bolívar and San Andrés. As part of her responsibilities, she is involved in the adaptation process that commissioners and other territorial representatives...
The Truth Commission in the face of the pandemic: Regional and community challenges
May 20, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
CAPAZ Working Paper 1-2020: Achievements, challenges and lessons of the peace process between the Colombian government and the ELN, 2010-2019
May 20, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Working Papers
The first CAPAZ Working Paper published in 2020 is called: “Logros, desafíos y lecciones del proceso de paz entre el gobierno colombiano y el ELN, 2010-2019”(Achievements, challenges and lessons of the peace process between the Colombian government and the ELN) and...
The JEP in the pandemic: Episode 3 of the CAPAZ web-video column with Juliette Vargas
May 14, 2020 | -, news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
Episode three of the CAPAZ "La paz, ahora más que nunca" (Peace, now more than ever), deals with the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), with special guest Juliette Vargas, CAPAZ and CEDPAL Science collaborator and PhD student at the University of Göttingen...
The economy during the pandemic in El Cauca: Part 2 of the episode with Axel Rojas
May 8, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
The online video-column "La paz, ahora más que nunca" (Peace - Now more than ever) presents the last part of its second episode with Axel Rojas, professor at Universidad del Cauca. This second part is called: "Production and the economy during the pandemic - El...
Stefan Peters en DKF-Blog sobre Colombia y coronavirus
May 4, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
El Círculo Colombo-Alemán de Amistad (Deutsch-Kolumbianischer Freundenkreis e.V. - DKF en alemán) entrevistó al Director Académico del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz - CAPAZ y Catedrático en Estudios de Paz de la Universidad JLU Gießen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters....