Kolumbianischer Anthropologe setzt seine wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit nach Morddrohungen in Deutschland fort PM 51, 7.10.2020 Der kolumbianische Anthropologe Prof. Lerber Dimas ist aufgrund seiner Forschungen zur Gewalt in Kolumbien Morddrohungen von paramilitärischen...
Wissenschaft im Fadenkreuz: Unterstützung für bedrohten Anthropologen aus Kolumbien
Oct 7, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
DW article on Venezuela with Stefan Peters and Jonas Wolff
Sep 9, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
The German channel Deutsche Welle reports on an analysis of the situation in Latin America from different angles. In the first instalment of the series, DW invited CAPAZ Academic Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, and the researcher of the Peace Research Institute in...
“Learning and teaching together”: Online course organised by CAPAZ, Universidad de los Andes, and JLU Giessen
Aug 30, 2020 | -, news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
In order to amplify the online academic portfolio, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) will offer three online courses with three international partner universities starting in the winter semester. In Colombia, the course will be run together with Universidad de...
Disponible diálogo virtual sobre asesinatos y paz en Colombia, entre Director Académico de CAPAZ y Fundación PARES
Aug 20, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
¿Se aleja la ilusión de un país en paz? Nos complace compartirles el diálogo virtual del Director Académico del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz - CAPAZ, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, con Carlos Castelblanco, editor de la Fundación Paz y Reconciliación - PARES, a...
Colombia: Does the growing drug trade threaten the peace process?
Aug 18, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
CAPAZ Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters talked to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) about the murders of young students, ex-combatants, and human rights defenders; as well as the current situation of insecurity in Colombia, in the context of the...