15 artistas de diferentes regiones colombianas participan en la campaña "Sonidos por la vida" para manifestarse a favor de la vida, la paz y la reconciliación. A raíz del escalamiento de la violencia en Colombia, el Instituto CAPAZ y el Goethe-Institut aúnan esfuerzos...
Sonidos por la vida: campaña de CAPAZ y Goethe-Institut
“Voces en el exilio”: historias colombianas en nuevo podcast del Nodo Alemania
Oct 28, 2020 | CAPAZ Projects, news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
¿Por qué alguien toma la decisión de dejar Colombia y radicarse en Alemania? ¿Qué situaciones externas o motivaciones personales llevan a tomar esa decisión? Una vez se llega al país de acogida, ¿a qué se enfrentan las colombianas y los colombianos? El nuevo podcast...
“A peace in ruins”: Die Zeit German national weekly newspaper on the Lerber Dimas case
Oct 12, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
The prestigious German weekly newspaper Die Zeit published an article on peace in Colombia with a less than encouraging headline: "A peace in ruins" (in German: Der Frieden in Trümmern). In the article, journalist Alexandra Endres presented the case of...
Voices from Nodo Alemania on Latinotopia podcast
Oct 12, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
The support group for the Colombian Truth Commission in Germany (Nodo Alemania) has been invited to Latinotopia, a German news portal and radio station broadcasting on current issues in Latin America, for the Spanish-speaking community and interested parties. In its...
CAPAZ Academic Director as a judge in writing contest to promote schooling in Norte de Santander during the pandemic
Oct 12, 2020 | news, Others, Publications, Worth Reading
“From the six categories, 18 winners will be selected (first, second, and third place). The team of jurors in charge of choosing the children, teenagers, parents, and teachers with the best quarantine stories are Gloria Castrillón, editorial director of El...