The event is organised by CAPAZ, CELA (Universität Kassel), and the Centre for Inter-American Studies (Universität Bielefeld) and Engagement Global of BMZ, in cooperation with CALAS and the Academia Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar. Registration deadline: December 20, 2019.
Invitation to participate in the Dialogues on Latin America in Hofgeismar, Germany
Teilnahme des CAPAZ an einer Veranstaltung in Hamburg über die Landfrage und soziale Ungleichheiten in Kolumbien
Das deutsch-kolumbianische Friedensinstitut Instituto CAPAZ, die Lateinamerika Studien (LASt) und der AStA der Universität Hamburg führten am 30. Oktober 2019 die Veranstaltung „Soziale Ungleichheiten und Landfrage: Herausforderung für den kolumbianischen Friedensprozess“ durch.
Clandestine market of knowledge and useful non-knowledge No. 22
This is an artistic project implemented for the Truth Commission of the Mobile Academy of Berlin, organised by Mapa Teatro in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and Universidad Central, and supported by CAPAZ and Banco de la República. Funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Goethe-Institut.
CAPAZ 2019 Young Researchers Congress Programme
Nov 5, 2019 | Events, milestones, news
Take a look at the programme for the 2019 CAPAZ Congress of Young Researchers, taking place in Medellín at Universidad de Antioquia on 6 and 7 November, 2019.
From Manizales to Berlin: MA Student at Universidad de Caldas at the CAPAZ 2019 Summer School
Lorena Patricia Delgado, student of the Master’s in Social Justice and Peacebuilding at Universidad de Caldas, was one of the scholarship recipients of the academic school.