The Investigation and Prosecution Unit of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), in association with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), has designed the new "Sistema de Monitoreo de Riesgos y Prevención de Afectaciones a los Derechos Humanos en Colombia"...
CAPAZ involved in launch of JEP risk monitoring system
Colombian and German voices on peace in Colombia in first CAPAZ virtual event
May 29, 2020 | Events, news, Publications, Worth Reading
Peace in Colombia in times of COVID-19 was the central theme of the first virtual panel convened by CAPAZ in association with the University of Erfurt, the Leibniz Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies in Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK), and the Justus Liebig University of...
CAPAZ supported the Colombian Day at University of Jena
At the annual event of Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS) at the University of Jena, the Colombian Day, the panel analyzed the progress and challenges of the Truth Commission and the implementation of the peace accords in Colombia. The discussion also...
CAPAZ Director at virtual forum on the role of state universities as regards health and peace during the pandemic
The State University System (Sistema Universitario Estatal-SUE) invites those interested to the national virtual forum entitled: “Peace, health and pandemics: The role state universities need to play”, on Monday, May 25, 2020. The CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor...
Kolumbien und Deutschland diskutieren über den Frieden in Kolumbien unter der Pandemie
May 12, 2020 | -, Events, news
Staatsminister Niels Annen (AA), Präsidialberater Emilio Archila, der Präsident der kolumbianischen Wahrheitskommission Padre Francisco de Roux, Laura Barrios, Sozialwissenschaftlerin der Universidad del Rosario sowie der Leiter des Instituto CAPAZ, Stefan Peters,...