Uruguayan historian, Aldo Marchesi, working at Universidad de la República in Uruguay, focuses his research and teaching work on the recent history of Uruguay and the Southern Cone. Professor Marchesi will deliver his lecture on revolutionary violence, between...
Aldo Marchesi talks about revolutionary violence, authoritarianism and emancipation
CAPAZ Academic Director at ZEF colloquium
CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters will join the ZEF (Centre for Development Research) Colloquium Series as the guest expert on Thursday, September 3, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m....
Workshop with Alexandra Bisbicus supported by CAPAZ and the Truth Commission’s Nodo Alemania
Aug 30, 2020 | -, Events, news
"Hilando Altares de la Memoria y la Verdad" is the name of the first on-site workshop organised by the Colombian Truth Commission's German group, Nodo Alemania, and supported by CAPAZ. It will be led by Alexandra Bisbicus, a social pedagogue, and textile artist with...
Peace Week 2020: Online and with a great concert for life and hope
Aug 26, 2020 | -, Events, news
The celebration for Peace Week 2020 (Semana por la Paz) in Colombia will follow the motto "Let's take the plunge, our meeting is with peace". The purpose of the event is to promote peace and to highlight the work that is being conducted from the territories with a...
“Operation Colombia or the Myth of Casa Verde”: A talk by Dario Villamizar at the seminar on violence and conflict in Latin America
The international seminar on the history and memory of violence and conflicts in Latin America will continue through September 2020. The first lecture of this month will be given by Colombian political analyst and researcher Darío Villamizar, under the title:...