The Southern Cone dictatorships have been studied both inside and outside Latin America. In this respect, German historian, Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke, will talk about Chilean dictatorship in the next online session of the International conference on memory and violence...
Stefan Rinke talks about memory and the Chilean dictatorship
Talks to discuss the Justice and Peace Law in the Colombian Caribbean
Nov 11, 2020 | -, Events, news
CAPAZ, the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Colombia, and the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Freiburg welcome those interested to take stock of 15 years of the Justice and Peace Law (Law 975, passed in 2005). The discussion will address several questions including the...
CAPAZ advises CODEBAC on how to report to the JEP
To strengthen its strategic consultancy work, CAPAZ held a workshop together with Asociación CODEBAC, on the methodology for preparing reports for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). The activity was conducted online on Monday, November 2, 2020, in partnership...
CAPAZ and the Colombian Truth Commission host meetings on education and memory
“Uno, dos, tres: al derecho y al revés. Education and memories to break the silence” is the name of the new CAPAZ cycle of online meetings organised in association with the Colombian Commission for the Clarification of Truth and supported by the Colombian Association...
Forensic Tech Colombia 2020
The International Seminar "Forensic Tech Colombia 2020: The transformative power of innovation, technology and forensic sciences for justice in societies in transition", will be held from November 24 to 26, 2020. In its second edition, this online forum will be...