“As the mechanism that should enable the transit of demobilized combatants to civilian life, the Amnesty Law (AL) is a fundamental axis in the implementation of the peace agreement. Part of the novelty of this mechanism is that its benefits apply to a variety of types of people and that they are conditioned. However, the success of the AL depends to a great extent on the progress made by the JEP in fulfilling its other functions, given that the granting of benefits must be articulated with the prosecution of the most serious acts committed in the context of the armed conflict, as well as with the other components of the SIVJRNR”.
This is what authors Kai Ambos and Gustavo Emilio Cote Barco commented upon in the most recent Policy Brief (No. 3-2019) entitled “The benefits contemplated in the Amnesty Law and the difficulties in its application“ published in May 2019 by CAPAZ and the Konrad Adenauer Stitfung Foundation’s Rule of Law for Latin America Programme.
Policy Brief 3-2019 (en español/Spanish).