CAPAZ is pleased to present its Policy Brief 2-2020 by Luis Fernando Trejos, entitled: “Situation of the armed actors in the Colombian Caribbean: From armed order to criminal anarchy”. The purpose of this Policy Brief is to analyse the current presence of illegal armed actors in the Colombian Caribbean and their relationship with the control of territories through illicit incomes. To this end, the paper is divided into three parts. The first describes the context in which the Bloque Martín Caballero (formerly the Bloque Caribe) of the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army) demobilised and the emergence of dissident and re-armed groups after the demobilisation of the Bloque Norte of the AUC (United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia). The second part lists and describes the illegal armed actors currently present in the Caribbean region, distinguishing those that continued and those that emerged. Lastly, the conclusions and proposals are presented.
PB2-2020 CAPAZ (in Spanish .pdf)
Luis Fernando Trejos Rosero. PhD in American Studies, University of Santiago de Chile. Research Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations and Director of the UNCaribe Think Tank at Universidad del Norte.
Trejos Rosero, L.F. «Situation of the armed actors in the Colombian Caribbean: From armed order to criminal anarchy». German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ, Bogotá: March 2020. 14 p. ISSN: 2711-0346
(NW – English version: Tiziana Laudato)