CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor in Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters joined the international webinar entitled: “From structural violence to positive peace in times of Covid-19”. The event was organised by Education for Global Peace (EGP) and held on August 14, 2020.
Access the recording of the online seminar (in English)
The starting point for the online dialogue
The conversation focused on the current conditions imposed on us by the global Covid-19 pandemic, specifically in relation to education and research for and on peace. The pandemic has, of course, caused painful scenarios of human loss, and it has also imposed challenges in a number of areas such as the political, economic, social, and public health. However, the current scenario has led to resignifications and reconfigurations in social and cultural structures and dynamics and in the behaviour of individuals. It has also highlighted structural problems such as inequalities, poverty and the environmental crisis, to mention just a few.
The current panorama poses challenges to what states and societies themselves are capable of offering to humanity. One of these challenges involves mitigating violence in different contexts. Recent cases of violence -in the United States or Colombia- are an example of this challenge, as are the cases of domestic and gender violence during quarantine, in the private sphere of people’s homes. That is, situations of structural and conjunctural violence seen in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, many of these situations are not new; they have been highlighted by the pandemic, which has also served to emphasise the need to promote peace education and cultures of peace around the world.
Prof. Stefan Peters shared the panel with Mark Lance (Georgetown University), Anver Desai and Marion Keim (Foundation for Sport & Development & Peace), and with Michael Minch (Utah Valley University) and Cris Toffolo (EGP) moderating.
For more information:
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)