What motivates us? Stefan Peters at the Evangelical Hofgeismar Academy online session


11 May 2020

Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters will be the special guest on the virtual session organised by the Evangelical Academy of Hofgeismar, on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. (German time). The session will be in German.

The Academy is now holding online events such as its new series called, Was bewegt? (What motivates us?). The virtual session with Prof. Dr. Peters is entitled: Lateinamerika im Lockdown – sozialer Sprengstoff und produktive Lösungen (Latin America in isolation – social explosiveness and productive solutions).

CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters will talk about the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and share his observations and analysis of the social and economic situation in this context, focusing in particular, on Colombia and Venezuela.

He will discuss issues such as the impact of compulsory preventive social isolation measures on the implementation of peace in Colombia and on daily life, as well as possible paths towards stability. Prof. Dr. Peters will address the concerns revealed and exacerbated by the virus, some of which already existed in the region, and he will talk about possible productive solutions.

The virtual session, during which participants will be able to ask questions, will last 45 minutes and will be recorded.

The online event is open to the public, but those interested are required to pre-register before May 13, 2020, in order to receive an “Akademie-Online” code to access the session.

For more information and pre-registration: https://bit.ly/2SKgnTA


Contact: Susanne Ellrich: susanne.ellrich@ekkw.de


Lateinamerika im Lockdown – sozialer Sprengstoff und produktive Lösungen

Was bewegt? – Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar online , 14. Mai 2020, 19.00 Uhr (Deutsche Uhrzeit)

Weitere infos


(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)