Screenshot El Espectador online (14.01.2020)
The jurist Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos, Director of the Centre for the Study of Latin American Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (CEDPAL) at the University of Göttingen and spokesman for the university at CAPAZ, analysed the case of the assassination of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimaní for the Colombian newspaper El Espectador.
The introduction to Prof. Dr. Ambos’ article reads as follows: “The ‘target killings’ of terrorists has long been disallowed by international law. However, the United States has now extended it to state actors. This further undermines the aspirations of an international legal order, argues this German expert in international criminal law”.
Ambos, Kai. Soleimani’s killing a test for International Law. In: El Espectador, January 13, 2020 [Accessed: 14.01.2020 at: https://www.elespectador.com/articulo-582]
(Text NW003-2020: Claudia Maya, English version: Tiziana Laudato)